

Business Model

What’s unique about NuRetail’s business model is it has an answer to data governance constraints that startups often face. NuRetail is also a startup, but it has a real retail business under its arm and real time data is always available to analyze and leverage. NuRetail leverages this uniqueness to accelerate POC and service development. Furthermore, NuRetail invites other startups and corporates to utilize this unique environment as an Open Platform oriented company. 



NuRetail business consists of two RetailTech teams and two actual Retail Businesses. Retail Business starts with Asia Sunshine Market, but not limited to it in the long run.

亜州太陽市場 外観正面

Asia Sunshine Market delivers authentic Asian delicacies, China, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, to name a few, to your table. The store concept, “Sunshine Market”  is built upon open, outgoing, energetic Asian atmosphere.

“Authentic Asian flavors to your table” is our product range concept. With that, we proudly merchandise the broadest product range, 2,000+ items, Asian grocery products, kitchenware and cutlery from 20+ countries in Asia and Pacific. Our compelling assortment includes 240 spices, herbs, soup stocks, bouillons, 200 noodles, 100 frozen foods, 180 ready-to-eats, 140 soft drinks, teas, coffees, rice, and many other rare products you have been trying to find, but not able to elsewhere!

Asia Sunshine Market has been very well received from our customers since we opened our first store in Kichijoji, Tokyo, as the very first one-stop Asian grocery specialty store in Japan

We are currently preparing to relaunch our online store, and also, refresh our alcohol beverage department.

Please come visit Asia Sunshine Market. You would love it for sure if you are an Asian foodie!

Countries and regions Asia Sunshine Market covers

亜州太陽市場 取引・取扱い国マップ
亜州太陽市場 取引・取扱い国マップ 南米

26 countries and regions, February 2025.


Online Store

亜洲太陽市場 オンラインストア




亜州太陽市場 バーチャルストア

NuRetail Trading

There are so many sophisticated products, exotic new tastes, zesty flavors and pleasureful bites in Asia and beyond that are not known to us yet.

NuRetail Trading’s mission is to deliver such wonderful values to your table. Quite a few foreign companies have already contacted us so that NuRetail Trading can carry their products in Japan. Additionally, some experts in this field have shown their interests and passion to join NuRetail Trading.

New values can be only born when the value chain gets streamlined from manufacturer to household. NuRetail Trading is now taking off to fill the gap in the value chain. Stay tuned!

If you would like to discuss licenses and agreements with us, please contact here >>> contact@nuretail.com

If you would like to join us, please see Career for details.

NuRetail Data

99% of 10,000 years of retail history has centered around Bricks & Mortar. It still is and also will.

Yet, we still do not know what’s happening in B&M (NuRetail is also a retail company who can manifest that).

The most disruptive retail innovation in the past there decades was eCommerce. Its innovativeness is not only that you can order anything in your hand 24/7 and get it delivered to your home, but also that it enabled retail to gain back once lost customer insights and tailor its services to individual customers.

NuRetail Data wants this superb capability of eCommerce applied to B&M. And by doing so, NuRetail would like to take B&M to another level. Please look forward to the journey to explore new retail frontier together.

Please contact to inquire or ally with us if you are interested in NuRetail Data >>> contact@nuretail.com

If you have passion to decipher what’s going on in customer’s mind and want to join us, please see Career for further details.

NuRetail Tech

Majority of retail innovations in the past 3 decades occurred in the area of eCommerce. There are reasons behind this. First of all, eCommerce innovations arrived by the innovators such as data scientists and digital experts outside the retail industry. To such, traditional retail in B&M that requires in-person customer assistance, product stocking, manual item ordering, etc. did not present a shiny big thing. Evidently, it appeared easier and more challenging for them to embark on a new journey in the digital only eCommerce environment.

More important is it is far easier for eCommerce to collect, handle, analyze and utilize data than B&M. Without data, innovations do not happen. In this regard, it was not difficult to understand why eCommerce grew fast inviting many other related products and services.

Meanwhile, innovations in B&M stay rather quiet, and investment trend continues to focus on eCommerce.

It’s been a long time since the omnichannel concept was proposed, positioning customer in the center, integrating all touch points and channels and offering the high quality seamless services. However, almost all new retail platforms invented in the past 3 decades were eCommerce platforms, and there is few true Omnichannel platforms available in the market today.

NuRetail Tech who knows retail operations in depth thinks it’s a great timing now to develop and offer Omnichannel products and services, knowing B&M remains as the main retail channel.

Please contact to inquire or ally with us if you are interested in NuRetail Tech >>> contact@nuretail.com

If you have passion to architect or develop omnichannel products and services, please see Career for further details.

NuRetail Consulting

NuRetail Consulting

Japanese Retail Industry seeing a golden opportunity to break through 30-years long stagnancy

Japanese Retail Industry has been said “Overstored” vs. the total consumption demand. Long-lasted deflationary  environment did not help, either. Retailers have been thrown into the endless and fierce low-price competition to win customers for the past 30 years.

As a result, Japanese Retail Industry has suffered from chronicle low profitability.

Low profitability kept retailers away from investing time and effort in innovation. Together with the fierce low-price competition, lack of innovation worsened the vicious cycle and stagnated the growth of the retail industry for a long, long time. Meanwhile, technology dramatically evolved.

5G networking has become the standard, and now, we are transitioning to 6G that smoothly streams full-scale films. Cloud computing is an industry de facto, allowing us to store and transfer huge amount of data stress-freely. Now all devices, sensors, robotics, etc. are becoming IoT, always connected to the Internet.

Such infrastructural environmental changes happened simultaneously and synergistically interacted with each other, leading us to the era of Artificial Intelligence replacing a lot of works formerly processed by humans.

As disruptive innovations keep springing up roaming around everyday, everywhere in the world, there are also uncountable number of retail industry specific technologies and technologies applicable to retail industry popping up. Altogether, they are called “Retail Tech.”

These latest Retail Techs often generate far better ROI (Return on Investment) in comparison to the past IT solutions and exhibit tremendous potential to boost retail companies’ growth. Yet, “how a company adopts which Retail Tech” remains a question.

For instance,

  • How does Retail Tech cope with corporate issues such as the staff shortage or ERP upgrade?
  • How can Retail Tech improve Enterprise Value of our company?
  • How can Retail Tech get connected with our retail systems?
  • Can our staffs utilize it?
  • Who supports contracting, Japanizing, implementing, maintaining Retail Tech from overseas?
  • Who helps us evaluate pros and cons across different Retail Tech products?
  • How can we assure the continuity of the service from a Retail Tech startup once we implement?
  • Can we book Retail Tech as our asset to the balance sheet even though it’s SaaS?

and many more questions, issues and constraints unique to each retail company to arise.

With in-depth understanding in such situations of each retail company in mind, the most appropriate Retail Tech can be rightly chosen and implemented to best support its business growth.

Who can make it happen for you? That’s your business partner, NuRetail Consulting.

NuRetail’s Unique Building Blocks

NuRetail Consulting proudly differentiates itself from other boutique farms leveraging the Founder’s unique career experiences, industrial knowledge and networks. It most appropriately customizes the team structure based on the project requirements.

NuRetail Consulting Building Blocks

NuRetail Consulting Offering

NuRetail Consulting focuses on maximizing clients’ Enterprise Value. Its offerings consist of Retail Tech implementation, but not limited to, such as…

  • Selection of Retail Tech, Implementation Support, Training, Operation & Maintenance
  • Defining Vision & Strategy
  • Merchandising Transformation
  • Merchandising Planning / Inventory Management Improvement
  • Supply Chain Transformation
  • Store Digital Transformation, eCommerce Launch Support, Omnichannel Conversion
  • Marketing Transformation
  • Digital Marketing, SEO
  • Retail Core System, Back Office System, ERP
  • Store Development
  • New Format, New Business Development
  • Sustainability, SDGs Support
  • Organizational Development
  • Recruitment, HR
  • ITO, BPO
  • M&A
  • Overseas Expansion, Japan Market Entry

In addition to above, NuRetail Consulting can support any business issues retail companies face.

Please feel free to contact us to ⇨ contact@nuretail.com

NuRetail as an Open Platform

NuRetail as an Open Platform

Since its beginning, NuRetail has been promoting itself as an Open Platform that invites other companies and accelerate business creation and product / service development.

NuRetail is always passionate to seek after business synergies combining the value NuRetail can deliver with capabilities and assets partnering companies and entities can offer.

We have already received a lot of proposals and inquiries from other companies and some of those have progressed to alliances, co-projects, POCs, etc. We are also happy to learn new ideas through such proposals that we never thought about ourselves.

If you have any ideas to use NuRetail as your platform, we openly welcome them.
We come to you, too, so that we will generate values together and accelerate growth together.


Tech Partners
